The Great Coach How To Experience The Great In You Wed, 30 Jun 2021 03:16:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Great Coach 32 32 Inspirational Moments Wed, 30 Jun 2021 03:10:31 +0000
Inspirational Moments Tue, 06 Apr 2021 02:24:01 +0000
Inspirational Moments Sat, 13 Mar 2021 19:10:39 +0000 ]]> Inspirational Moments Sat, 13 Mar 2021 18:56:44 +0000
Step OUT of Your Comfort Zone Mon, 21 Mar 2016 04:00:00 +0000

Getting stuck in a routine is easy to do. After all, we are creatures of habit. We eat the same breakfast, order the same coffee at Starbucks and get to work at the same time.

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and took on a new challenge?

Doing something that challenges you gives you a different outlook and makes you more receptive to change. When you take on something challenging, you experience a rush and often feel recharged afterwards. 

In order to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, you need to step out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. The more comfortable you get with trying new things, the less you are going to avoid it and the more you are going to say yes to new challenges.

Write your vision, take small steps, and maintain your focus. Bit by bit day by day you will overcome some fears, accomplish some goals and soon live life without limits!

That my friend is GREATNESS uncensored –

Parents Back To School Mon, 24 Aug 2015 19:06:00 +0000

School Already?

Recently, while eating at a local restaurant with my family, I overheard a woman at another table talking about the end of summer.

“I’m so happy summer is over,” she said. “Now I can finally get some rest.”

It wasn’t the first time I’d heard a parent say those words. When school season approaches, it’s sometimes hard to find parents who aren’t celebrating the chance to turn his or her kid over to someone else for eight hours a day. Even so, hearing the woman’s sentiments rekindled my thoughts on what this time of year means for my mission as the mother of my children.

My job as a mother never ends. I haven’t had a break since my eldest was born. Through all the highs, lows, setbacks, and rewards, I strive daily to train my children up in the way they should go and ensure that they are GREAT students.  Sending my children back to school, the proving ground where the negative influence of a student or adult could unravel the work I’ve done, brings me anxiety. While my children are at home, I can control the environment and ensure that they are safe and thinking soundly. When they are away from me, the world has the opportunity to shape them. The effort of trusting that they will be okay is far more daunting than keeping them entertained during the summer.

Furthermore, the arrival of school signals the start of the annual effort to ensure my children’s academic success. I’ve taught in the classroom. I know what’s expected. I involve myself in the academic process, ensuring that homework is completed, projects are turned in and tests are studied for. This is the furthest thing from a break, and probably one of my most important duties. Teachers get paid to facilitate my child’s learning. Many of them do it with noble intentions, but they aren’t called or obligated to lift my children to success or turn them into viable adults. That charge is with me, and I take it seriously.

In this day, so many children go to school untrained, with little support from their parents or teachers during the stressful academic process. Let’s not parents  shift the burden of raising our children to strangers. When we don’t step up to the task of fostering academic excellence, we run the risk of seeing our children not

reach their full potential. It’s nice to get some peace and quiet without the children around, but the price of looking at school as simply a free daycare is far too great to pay.

As the school year commences, I would like to encourage parents to remember that there is still a job to do. A parent wouldn’t so wholly trust a stranger with their child in any other setting. School should be no different. We need to kick into a higher gear when August rolls around. We need to continue to shoulder the burden of raising our children as they step out into the world, which is always real and ever present. Trust me when I say I will be sitting with my children while they study and do their homework. I will be constantly reminding them of the values and lessons we learned over the summer while guarding against potential bad influences. I will pray for them daily and look forward to those seeds growing.  If we don’t, who will?

And that my friend is GREATNESS uncensored-


Why Ask Rachel Wed, 08 Jul 2015 02:30:00 +0000

Before the tragic events in Charleston, South Carolina and, most recently, the Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage, the story of Rachel Dolezal enthralled the nation. There hasn’t been a story like it in recent memory. A white woman had chosen to identify as black, and she was leading the Spokane, WA division of the NAACP. Equally bizarre allegations about her family were gradually being revealed. In the midst of all this, the country fumbled to figure out what this episode meant for race relations in our country. Even though her story is no longer in the forefront of the American consciousness, the racial implications of her story are still relevant and must not be forgotten as we continue to fight for more equal rights along with everyone else.

As an African-American, and the mother of three beautiful children, I felt as if my life was being caricatured. The struggles I had experienced genuinely because of the color of my skin were being treated as some sort of show or performance art. The emotions and experiences I had felt so deeply throughout my life were now cheapened because someone could manufacture them and use them to their advantage. It felt like a threat to the modern Civil Rights call of Black Lives Matter. How do they if someone can take on the black experience any time they please?

That is why the Rachel Dolezal story is still so important. Some say that Dolezal’s actions reflect the worst of the specter of White Privilege. If one is white, they can choose how they will live. They can choose whether they will be lauded and accepted or oppressed. They can choose what their families will look like, and they can choose how people respond to them. They can make themselves into anyone they want to be, and even occupy positions that were meant to give spaces of power to black people.

If you are truly born black, you have none of those options. You must accept your skin tone, and all the stereotypes, discrimination, and complications that come with it. You must deal with being shut out of certain rooms and circles, and there will be many times when it seems that nothing can be done to reverse the inequality. It is a wonder why anyone would want to take on such an experience. Which is why so many people were shocked and captivated by Dolezal’s story.

In a time when so many people are clamoring for equal rights, it is easy for people to forget or shrug off the struggle that Black Americans are still fighting. In the modern day, we have had to fight to prove to people that racism and prejudice still exist and cause us difficulty and pain. There is no time for our experience to be hijacked as we continue this battle. Black lives don’t matter if crooked police officers can go free for shooting us. They don’t matter if someone is allowed to imitate us without repercussion. When my children grow up, I want them to be valued, and to have all the opportunities that are available to them. Hopefully, they won’t have to face discrimination through imitation and appropriation. Hopefully, they won’t encounter any Rachel Dolezal’s that cheapen the power of their personal experiences.

It is important to recognize, embrace and value our rich history; not by an imposter, but by a true Black American who understands the depth of our pain and the joys of our suffering.  The personal experience is one that can not be duplicated. It speaks truth, it speaks struggle, it speaks purpose,  it speaks even in silence.

That my friend is GREATNESS uncensored –

Houston We Have A Problem Sat, 06 Jun 2015 08:59:16 +0000

There was talk of rain before the night of Houston’s Memorial Day storms, but meteorologist didn’t hint at anything out of the ordinary. It was a sunny summer day with lingering clouds in the sky, and many people were out enjoying the breezy weather.

Yet, I, and the rest of the city, awoke in the middle of the night to a light show in the sky and booming thunder that shook the windows of my house. My children in fear gathered together in the house as the rain roared down. I sat in wonder as the battering winds continued. It seemed as if the storm would never end.

With morning, the chaos finally subsided, leaving behind a city full of water and shattered plans. No one was prepared for the sudden peril and destruction. As freeways became rivers, rescue workers pulled people from their cars. Basketball fans and Galleria employees were stranded. Many members of our church fought against flooding in their homes. Houston stood still as constant news reports detailed how badly the storm blind-sided us.

There were protocols and organizations in place to help with recovery. Emergency workers performed hundreds of rescues. City government mobilized to procure necessary aid. Systems put in place on sunny days helped all of us get through the rainy ones.

The tempests of life often catch us off guard, but the GREAT should always be prepared to weather the storm. Life brings us unexpected deliveries of divorce, unemployment, sickness, death, and the hard challenges that we must face in this journey called- life.

It is now Hurricane season. The bad weather may not be over. Forecasters will warn us to prepare family evacuation plans, and stock water and survival kits, just in case a major Hurricane comes. Likewise, I would encourage you to always prepare yourself for life’s curve balls. Let the darkness meet light, let the pain meet purpose, let the rain meet the rainbow, let good meet GREAT! When life sends a storm, let GREAT say, I got this.

That my friend is GREATNESS uncensored-

What Happened in Baltimore? Sun, 31 May 2015 09:00:19 +0000
The buzzing conversation that occurred regarding the riot which happened in Baltimore, Maryland sent chills up many parents spines due to the overwhelming concern of young black men being beaten, treated unfairly or even killed.

Many angry and hurt citizens stirred the streets of Baltimore to protest and heighten the attention of city and state officials. However, this protest soon turned into a turbulent, destructive and widely viewed riot that unfortunately led to violence and criminal acts.

One mother recognized her teenage son participation in this riot; throwing cans and other objects to policemen. This mother with fear, humiliation and a mother’s love literally whipped him off of the streets and back home.

This spoke volumes to me as a parent. She drowned out the voices of negativity and single handedly redirected her son to a path of sensibility.

Many frowned on this approach, but I viewed it as a GREAT moment! That moment when you decide to take the position of leader and authoritarian. This mother did this by teaching her son through a single action of pure love the path she wanted him to pursue; one that would lead him to a life of passion that also embraces purpose and peace.

This my friend is GREATNESS uncensored!